
1 person looking for loan for 1 year at secure terms/ منذ 9 أشهر

المحرق, البحرين

Hello everyonenn have a CR and it's active and operational, I am looking to get a 1500 BD loan to be backed with official notarized agreement. To be paid as 150 BD each month for a 12 month, which will make it 1800 BD. nserious investors contact mennThe loan is very safe and secured. nPlease contact me on WhatsApp number please

يرجى توخي الحذر من عمليات الاحتيال وعدم دفع أي مبالغ مالية تحت أي مسمى. نرجو الإبلاغ فوراً عن أي إعلانات مخالفة.

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