
General Helper/ منذ شهر


Assist Machinists through cleaning of work areas/ milling machines/ equipment/ dies
Assisting and following the directions of the machine operator
Operating various components of the production machinery
Cleaning the work area and production machinery
Setting-up orders on the production machinery
Operating a fork lift as needed
Candidates must be willing to work a lot of overtime
Requisitions supplies and equipment needed for cleaning and maintenance duties
Strips, seal-finishes and polishes floors 0559524919 Hr Grace

يرجى توخي الحذر من عمليات الاحتيال وعدم دفع أي مبالغ مالية تحت أي مسمى. نرجو الإبلاغ فوراً عن أي إعلانات مخالفة.

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  • الموقع إلكتروني
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