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MD RAJAUL nKARIMnAddress:nMuscat, Sultanate of OmannPhone:n[ ]nEmail:n[redacted email address]nSummarynReliable Housekeeper with a proven track record of providing exceptional cleaning services to nresidential and commercial clients. Committed to using advanced cleaning technologies and products nto achieve the highest level of cleanliness, while adhering to safety guidelines. nSkill Highlightsn Meticulous Cleaning Skillsn Deep Sanitation Practicesn Effective Time Managementn Ability to Work in a Teamn Customer Servicen Ability to MultitasknExperiencenHousekeeper for a Private Client, Omann2019 - Presentn Worked to establish a cleaning plan to address the goals of individual clients. n Utilized the most advanced and trusted cleaning products and technologies. n Routinely cleaned bathrooms, kitchen, dining areas, shutters, and floors. n Performed basic and deep cleaning services as requested. n Removed and replaced linens, bedspreads, and blankets. n Collected and removed trash and debris from the property. n Cleaned upholstered furniture according to the fabric instructions. nDrapery Seamstress at Swan Interiors, Omann2018 – 2019n Sewed different types of curtainsn Manufactured new products for business owners & Private clients. nWelding fabricator in a Private Organization, Bangladeshn[ ]n Able to lay out materials to be cut or joined in the best order for efficient working, even in tight nworking spaces. n Experienced with selecting the most suitable welding method for the job's particular nrequirements. n Great hand-to-eye coordination and the ability to work accurately under time constraints. nEducationnNatherPetua High School – Completed Secondary School

يرجى توخي الحذر من عمليات الاحتيال وعدم دفع أي مبالغ مالية تحت أي مسمى. نرجو الإبلاغ فوراً عن أي إعلانات مخالفة.

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