
i am mohamad faridul alam i am a professional tailors cutting master i have many years of .../ منذ 5 أشهر


I am mohamad faridul alam I am a professional tailors cutting master I have many years of experience working with top quality designers in Dubai and Abu Dhabi in UAE making wedding dresses and all dresses for girls done now ksa sodi arab a ladies tailors shop done by myself

يرجى توخي الحذر من عمليات الاحتيال وعدم دفع أي مبالغ مالية تحت أي مسمى. نرجو الإبلاغ فوراً عن أي إعلانات مخالفة.

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وظفني .كوم

وظفني .كوم

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