وظائف هندسية للاردنيين لدى شركة رائدة في مجال الطاقة في السعودية a leading power company .../ 5 hours ago
وظائف هندسية للاردنيين لدى شركة رائدة في مجال الطاقة في السعودية
A leading power company seeking to recruit Electrical and Mechanical Engineers to be based on Saudi with 57 years’ experience. Job: Service Engineer- Testing & Commissioning Engineer – for GIS and Power Transformer  Mission Statement: Act as service lead in high complex Service work and trouble shooting and ensure delivery according to work instructions and in accordance with substation standard processes for Electricity Co, quality standards and safety guidelines. Deliver outstanding customer/end user service to earn customer loyalty. In close co-operation with customer/end user and other our teams, take actions to develop new Service business opportunities and new service products. Main Accountabilities:   Service delivery
Performs high complex Service tasks like repair, overhaul, Replacement …etc on GIS and Power Transformer and systems. Guides the resolution of complex trouble shooting incidents. Actively works to develop innovative solutions. Customer approach Contributes to higher customer satisfaction by ensuring high complex Service work according to customer expectations. Interacts with customer to provide customized solutions. Creates and maintains excellent relationship with customers and molds their needs. Creates new sales opportunities and takes influence in convincing the client for the complete service portfolio. Technical leadership [email protected] Mobile Number 00962796449771 تابع للوظائف على لمشاهدة جميع الوظائف الشاغرة على ثريدز اضغط شارك أصدقائك الخبر
A leading power company seeking to recruit Electrical and Mechanical Engineers to be based on Saudi with 57 years’ experience. Job: Service Engineer- Testing & Commissioning Engineer – for GIS and Power Transformer  Mission Statement: Act as service lead in high complex Service work and trouble shooting and ensure delivery according to work instructions and in accordance with substation standard processes for Electricity Co, quality standards and safety guidelines. Deliver outstanding customer/end user service to earn customer loyalty. In close co-operation with customer/end user and other our teams, take actions to develop new Service business opportunities and new service products. Main Accountabilities:   Service delivery
Performs high complex Service tasks like repair, overhaul, Replacement …etc on GIS and Power Transformer and systems. Guides the resolution of complex trouble shooting incidents. Actively works to develop innovative solutions. Customer approach Contributes to higher customer satisfaction by ensuring high complex Service work according to customer expectations. Interacts with customer to provide customized solutions. Creates and maintains excellent relationship with customers and molds their needs. Creates new sales opportunities and takes influence in convincing the client for the complete service portfolio. Technical leadership [email protected] Mobile Number 00962796449771 تابع للوظائف على لمشاهدة جميع الوظائف الشاغرة على ثريدز اضغط شارك أصدقائك الخبر
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