would you like to work in a professional working environment where you share your knowledge .../ 8 months ago
Would you like to work in a Professional Working Environment where you share your knowledge and get inspired by People around you then you are in the right Place.
Requirements :
Bachelor degree in English Literature or Translation ( Equivalent Diplomas are accepted ).
Excellent Communication Skills.
Ability to Interact with Professionals.
If you would like to start a career where you will develop yourself and upgrade your life, Apply Now and Start your Journey with us.
Please send your Cv via email.
Requirements :
Bachelor degree in English Literature or Translation ( Equivalent Diplomas are accepted ).
Excellent Communication Skills.
Ability to Interact with Professionals.
If you would like to start a career where you will develop yourself and upgrade your life, Apply Now and Start your Journey with us.
Please send your Cv via email.
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