
فرص عمل في عمان we’re hiring! technical erp implementer join our team as a technical erp .../ 3 hours ago


فرص عمل في عمان We’re Hiring! Technical ERP Implementer Join our team as a Technical ERP Implementer in Amman, Jordan! Requirements: -Fresh graduate to junior level -Strong knowledge of ERP systems -Degree in CS / MIS / CIS or related fields -Strong personality & analytical skills -Very good command of English -Proficient in Python & SQL (preferably PostgreSQL) -Familiar with HTML, JavaScript, and APIs -Odoo experience is a big plus! Interested? Send your CV to [email protected] تابع للوظائف على لمشاهدة جميع الوظائف الشاغرة على ثريدز اضغط شارك أصدقائك الخبر

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وظفني .كوم

وظفني .كوم

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