
مطلوب مسئول علاقات عامة لسفارة نيبال في الكويت - نيبال/ 4 hours ago

Vacancy Announcement

Embassy of Nepal in Kuwait is hiring

Public Relations Assistant on contractual basis. Number: 1
Eligibility :
+ Bachelor’s degree;
* Fluent in English and-Arabic spoken and written
* General Computer skill @ffice Package, English
and Arabic typing and translation
« Preference will be given to the holder of Light
Vehicle Driving License.

SRR 1 o RY/o TR OAVA o AR ON IV =T od s WA VIS IRV = RET R =TI R o

CYLIONVETH@ i o £ We o YA3T4

Please be cautious of fraud and avoid making any payments under any pretext. Report any violating ads immediately.


وظفني .كوم

وظفني .كوم

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