وظائف للاردنيين لدى شركة مقاولات رائدة في المملكة العربية السعودية a leading contracting .../ 1 month ago
وظائف للاردنيين لدى شركة مقاولات رائدة في المملكة العربية السعودية A Leading contracting company in KSA is seeking to recruit the following Civil Engineer Bachelor in Civil Engineering, minimum 5 Years relevant working experience in building construction Electrical Engineer Bachelor in Electrical Engineering, minimum 5 Years relevant working experience in building construction. Mechanical Engineer Bachelor in Mechanical Engineering, minimum 5 Years relevant working experience in building construction Agriculture Engineer Bachelor in Horticulture / Agriculture Engineer, minimum 5 Years experience in Landscaping project Structural Engineer Bachelors in Civil / Structural Engineering, minimum 5 Years relevant working experience, Having knowledge of Steel Structural – Modeler for ETABS, SAP & SAFE Architectural Engineer Bachelors in Architectural Engineer or related field minimum 5 Years relevant working experience in building construction Irrigation Foreman Diploma or equivalent – 35 Years experience in irrigation works Finishing Foreman Diploma or equivalent – 35 Years experience in building construction If you are interested, please send your cv to [email protected] Or by what’s -app 00962796449771 تابع للوظائف على لمشاهدة جميع الوظائف الشاغرة على ثريدز اضغط شارك أصدقائك الخبر
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