
وظيفة قائد فريق التسويق في عمان we are hiring marketing team leader! this is a full time .../ 1 week ago


وظيفة قائد فريق التسويق في عمان
We are hiring Marketing Team leader! This is a full time on-site role for social media team leader at Pmedia. You will be responsible for creating and managing clients’ strategies, developing, creating leads and paid ads and social media campaigns. Qualifications: – proven work experience as team leader – ⁠experience in content management, copywriting and socail media analytics – ⁠Excellent knowledge of social media platforms and their updates – ⁠Excellent multitasking skills – ⁠strong communication and networking – ⁠experience of creating paid ads If you are interested please send your updated CV to [email protected] تابع للوظائف على لمشاهدة جميع الوظائف الشاغرة على ثريدز اضغط شارك أصدقائك الخبر

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وظفني .كوم

وظفني .كوم

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