
وظيفة مهندس برمجيات في عمان one of our clients is looking to hire a (software engineer .../ 2 days ago


وظيفة مهندس برمجيات في عمان
One of our clients is looking to hire a (Software Engineer / Developer (Odoo/Python)). Key Responsibilities: – Analyze customer requirements and design solutions for ERP systems. – Customize and integrate Odoo with third-party systems. – Develop and configure features and functionalities to meet business needs. – Create quality software that adheres to design and requirements within deadlines. – Provide technical documentation and functional user manuals. – Offer customer support for bug fixes and technical issues. Required Skills: – Proficiency in Python programming. – Experience with relational database management systems like PostgreSQL. – Knowledge of various APIs for integrations. – Strong understanding of E-Commerce and ERP systems. – Front-end development skills: JavaScript, HTML, CSS, XML. – Back-end development skills: Python, SQL. – Expertise and hands-on experience with Odoo/Open ERP. Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science or related fields. 03 years of experience in Odoo or related ERP systems. If you’re interested, please send your CV to [email protected]. تابع للوظائف على لمشاهدة جميع الوظائف الشاغرة على ثريدز اضغط شارك أصدقائك الخبر

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وظفني .كوم

وظفني .كوم

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